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Kickstart Your Own Payment Gateway Business In 2024 in Easy Steps

The global payment processing market is expected to grow exponentially to approximately US#198 billion by 2032, from US$65.6 billion in 2022. Quick, secure, convenient, and reliable payment gateways such as a white label payment gateway are here to say. Now, comes the billion-dollar question - should you buy an existing payment gateway solution, or start a payment gateway of your own in 2024 without breaking the bank?

Before we read more about white label payment gateways and start your own payment gateway business, let us first gain a clear and complete understanding of payment gateways so all of us are on the same level of understanding.

What is a Payment Gateway?

A payment gateway can be referred to as the technology that facilitates the acceptance of digital wallet and card payments from customers. The term includes physical card readers that usually find a place in brick-and-mortar retail stores and even their online counterparts. It also includes the payment process for mobile commerce, eCommerce, and a wide range of card-not-present (CNP) transactions.

It is worthwhile to remember that payment processors and gateways act as intermediaries between customers and businesses to ensure that online financial transactions are securely and promptly carried out. In other words, payment gateways such as a white label payment gateway facilitate reliable, secure, and seamless execution of online transactions. These gateways deploy out-of-the-box security measures such as fraud detection tools and SSL encryption to protect critical customer data (personal and financial).

Benefits Of Starting Your Own Payment Gateway Business

ü  If you want to start your own payment gateway business, the first thing that may probably bring a smile to your face is that most off-the-shelf payment gateway solutions are characterized by high sign-up fees and costs with every transaction made. This could have easily eaten a big chunk of your profit over time. By starting your own payment gateway business, you can save on these hefty sign-up costs and long-term fees.

ü  Starting your own payment gateway business also allows you to sell its products to other merchants, agents, and independent sales organizations (ISOs).

ü  Most off-the-shelf payment gateways don't support multi-currency transactions and recurring payments that can dramatically limit your ability to process many transactions. When you start your own payment gateway business, you can make a payment gateway that supports multi-currency transactions and recurring payments, in addition to many other value-driven features.

ü  An out-of-the-box and highly scalable payment gateway can be quickly integrated with other systems such as ERP or CRM which, in turn, will improve data analysis, real-time reporting, and customer support.

ü  You can start a white label payment gateway to match the desired expectations, preferences, and requirements of your target audience. For instance, you can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates by building a payment gateway that has a simplified checkout process with minimal redirects.

Important Considerations

There are certain aspects that you should be thoughtful about.

The decision to start your own payment gateway business is a big one, to say the least. This is simply because it means you will have to follow a series of compliance requirements. For instance, you will have to comply with the stringent PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) to accept, store, transmit, or process credit card information in a secure environment. Secondly, you need to deploy proactive and out-of-the-box data privacy and fraud detection measures that would require significant investment and expertise. Thirdly, you will need to hire the services of professional and experienced developers who can help you easily navigate a wide range of payment processing complexities. Fourthly, you will have to divert some resources to maintain the payment gateway, provide customer support, and troubleshoot issues. Lastly, you will have to build partnerships with banks and financial institutions for smooth performance and execution of payment data.

How to create your own payment gateway?

The first step to start your own payment gateway business such as a white label payment gateway is to clearly define your business requirements. To get started, you will have to identify the target audience, ascertain the payment methods, gain insights into the volume of transactions you would be expected to handle, gather details about currencies you want to support, and more.

Thereafter, you should ensure conformity with all relevant financial and other regulations, regular system and process audits, and robust security & preventive measures in place to prevent fraud, data theft, and data loss. You will also need to discuss the best course of action with different teams such as software development, app development, and data encryption agencies. Moreover, you will have to acquire sufficient bandwidth, server space, and internal resources to maintain the payment gateway at all times.

To start your own payment gateway business, you can explore innovative WebPays' white label payment gateway solutions that allow you to easily customize the user interface to match branding while handling the exhaustive list of payment processing, security, compliance, and maintenance complexities. To learn more and get started, you can reach out to WebPays.


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